Waverly Seniors Village - Complaint Information
General Details
Facility TypeAdult Residential Care - 100
Investigation CompletedSeptember 29, 2020
Reason for Investigation - Physical facility, equipment & furnishings
- Care and supervision
Report of Findings
On June 20,2020, Licensing received a complaint alleging concerns regarding care and supervision .

The allegations included the following details:

- A person in care sustained injuries while in care.
- Concerns were expressed about the supervision of a person in care.
- The facility did not properly assess the PIC and failed to notify the representative and medical professionals in a timely manner.

All areas of the complaint were fully investigated. Evidence was received and reviewed from records, policies and procedures, inspection, interviews, and emails.

The following contraventions were determined:

- Residential Care Regulation (RCR) 76(1) Notification of illness or injury
- RCR 81(4)(b)(i) Care plan needed if more than 30 day stay
- RCR 82 Implementation of Care plans
Substantiated Contraventions: Evidence for this summary report is based on a combination of the Licensing Officer’s observations, a review of facility records and information provided by the facility staff at the time of the investigation.
Observed Violations/Contraventions: A summary of the violations found during the complaint investigation are listed below.
Code Category/Description
34750 - RCR s.81(4)(b)(i)A licensee must ensure that (b) each care plan is reviewed and, if necessary, modified (i) if there is a substantial change in the circumstances of the person in care.
Observation: Licensing determined that a care plan was not updated as required.
Corrective action: A corrective action plan is required.
34780 - RCR s.82A licensee must ensure that the care and supervision of a person in care is consistent with the terms and conditions of the person in care's care plan.
Observation: Licensing determined that a care plan was was not followed.
Corrective action: A corrective action plan is required.
39060 - RCR s.76(1)If a person in care becomes ill or is injured while under the care or supervision of a licensee, the licensee must immediately notify the parent or representative, or contact person, of the person in care.
Observation: Licensing determined that the representative was not immediately notified after a person in care was injured.
Corrective action: A corrective action plan to be submitted.
Actions Required by Licensee/Operator
- Corrective action plan to be developed and submitted.
Action Required by Licensing Officer or Medical Health Officer
- No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.
Status Update
No further action required. All contraventions have been addressed.
Updated on September 29, 2020.