Medical Health Officer

This is a statutory position and the responsibilities are defined under the Health Act, the School Act, the Community Care Facilities Licensing Act and Regulations, as well as the Municipal Act. The Medical Health Officer is appointed jointly by Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and by Order-in-Council of the Provincial Government.

The primary role of the Medical Health Officer is the protection and promotion of the health of the public through a combination of educational and environmental supports.

Health promotion has to do with your lifestyle, your biology, your health care and your environment or as the World Health Organization defines it "the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health".

The Medical Health Officer offers a number of articles on a wide variety of health issues to help you improve your health. Look for an emphasis on health promotion as self-responsibility, community empowerment and healthy public policy.

The Medical Health Officer for the Coast Garibaldi Area can be reached at

Articles and Press Releases

Air Quality
Child Aand Family Health
Child And Family Health 2
Child And Family Health
Child And Family
Disease Prevention
Family And Child Health