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Personal Service Inspections

“Personal services settings” are facilities that provide tattooing, body piercing, and aesthetic services that include hair care, hair removal, and manicure/pedicure.

Public health Units in Ontario are required to annually inspect personal services settings to ensure that they comply with standards designed to protect clients from communicable disease. Additional inspections are conducted as necessary to follow up on directions provided to operators during routine inspections, and to respond to complaints.

Explanation of Terms used in Disclosure Report

Routine Practices: refers to standard practices that must be employed by the facility staff to reduce the transmission of communicable disease. Hand hygiene is an essential component of routine practices.

Operational Requirements: refers to the overall general sanitation of the premises.

Equipment Cleaned and Disinfected: refers to the proper cleaning and disinfecting of equipment such as scissors, manicure/pedicure equipment and foot baths in order to reduce the level of microorganisms.

Equipment Cleaned and Sterilized: refers to the cleaning and sterilization of higher risk instruments most often associated with tattooing and body piercing.

Health and Personal Hygiene: refers to the general health and cleanliness of facility staff.

Record Keeping: refers to the ability of the facility to be able to contact previous clients should they need to be made aware of a communicable disease risk associated with the facility.